Basic information independent of the type of business
In the various kinds of estreats, data that are independent of the type of business can be found under the following headings: - 1.
- General information
This heading shows the date of incorporation, the business type reference number for the company, the tax number and the acronyms of the participating countries. - 2.
- Company name
The company name refers to the basic activities of the company and the actual type of business. The company name may also contain a keyword. The keyword is an expression or an acronym which appears at the beginning of the company name, and facilitates the identification of the company. - 3.
- Abbreviated company name
The abbreviated company name consists of the keyword and the inidcation of the type of business. - 4.
- Company designation in foreign languages
The company designation appearing in other languages is consistent with the Hungarian company name, and adheres to the spelling of the foreign language.- 5.
- Registered office
The registered office of the company is the place where the executory tasks are performed.- 6.
- Registered company site(s)
The company site is the place where the company performs its activities and which is located in the same magisterial district as the registered office.- 7.
- Subsidiary(ies)
A subsidiary of the company is a company site which is located outside of the magisterial district where the registered office is situated. - 8.
- Date of the articles of association (statutes, charter of foundation, articles of institution)
The date of accepting the statutes, the charter of foundation, the articles of association, and the articles of institution. - 9.
- Objects
The acitivity(ies) of the company in accordance with the markings used in the uniform national statistical system. - 10.
- Start of operation (activities)
The date when the company began its activities, or the date of starting its operation if the latter is different from the date of the accepting the statutes (articles of association). - 11.
- Duration of the company
If the company's operation is limited to a definite period of time, this heading shows the date of termination. - 12.
- Company assets (primary stock, registered stock, total of share capital) including the value of pecuniary and non-pecuniary contribution
The assets of the company (the amount of the registered capital, and the primary stock), including the value of pecuniary contributions and contributions in kind (contributions to the company assets). - 13.
- Procuration
Procuration can be effected by a single or multiple persons (sole or collective procuration). If there are more than two persons that have authority to sign, provisions may be made that some of them are entitled to effect sole procuration, and some of them are entitled to effect collective procuration, or that one of the signers may only be a specified person. A single person is only entitled to a single type of procuration. - 14.
- Limitation of procuration
Limitation regarding the extent of representation assigned to the persons that are authorized to sign, if their representation is effective in relation to third parties.- 15.
- Name, position and residence of persons authorized to sign
In the case of foreigners, the address of residence also includes the acronym of the country of residence. - 16.
- In the case of companies established by reorganization: the way of reorganization, the name and registration number of the legal predecessor
In the case of companies established by reorganization: the way of reorganization (e.g. fusion), the name and registration number of the legal predecessor(s). - 27.
- Termination with final settlement
The start and the end date of the process of final settlement. - 28.
- Bankruptcy
The start and the end date of bankrupcy proceedings. - 29.
- Liquidation
The start and the end date of.liquidation proceedings. - 30.
- Legal successor(s)
Name and registration number of legal successors established by reorganization.