Designation and reference number of business types subject to registration
The Trade Register certifies officially the validity of the included data and the recorded authorizations and facts, and their changes in the case of business types that are subject to registration.
- 01
- Enterprise
- 02
- Cooperation
- 03
- Unlimited partnership
- 04
- Economic workteam
- 05
- Economic workteam operating under the liability of a legal person
- 06
- Limited partnership
- 07
- Association
- 08
- Joint venture
- 09
- Limited liability company
- 10
- Company limited by shares
- 11
- Sole corporation
- 12
- Direct representation, information or service office of foreign parties
- 13
- Miscellaneous companies
- 14
- Non-profit organization
- 15
- Forest owner association
- 16
- Water management association