Acronyms of countries
- AD
- Andorra, Les Vallées d'Andorre
- AE
- United Arab Emirates
- AF
- Islamic State of Afghanistan
- AG
- Antigua and Barbuda
- AL
- Alban Socialist Republic
- AM
- Republic of Armenia
- AN
- Netherlands Antilles
- AO
- Republic of Angola
- AR
- Republic of Argentina
- AS
- American Samoa
- AT
- Republic of Austria
- AU
- The Antarctic
- AU
- Ashmore and Cartier Islands
- AU
- Commonwealth of Australia
- AU
- Heard and McDonald Island
- AU
- Christmas Island
- AU
- Cocos Island
- AU
- Coral Sea Islands
- AU
- Lord How and Ball's Pyramid
- AU
- Macquarie Islands
- AU
- Norfolk
- AZ
- Republic of Azerbaijan
- BB
- Barbados
- BD
- People's Republic of Bangladesh
- BE
- Kingdom of Belgium
- BG
- Republic of Bulgaria
- BH
- State of Bahrein
- BI
- Republic of Burundi
- BJ
- Republic of Benin
- BM
- Bermuda
- BN
- State of Brunei Darussalam
- BO
- Republic of Bolivia
- BR
- Federal Republic of Brazil
- BS
- Republic of Bahama
- BT
- Kingdom of Bhutan
- BU
- Commonwealth of Myanmari
- BW
- Republic of Botswana
- BY
- Belarussia
- BZ
- Belize
- CA
- Canada
- CF
- Republic of Central Africa
- CG
- Republic of Congo
- CH
- Confederation of Switzerland
- CI
- Republic of Ivory Coast
- CL
- Republic of Chile
- CM
- Republic of Cameroon
- CN
- People's Republic of China
- CO
- Republic of Columbia
- CR
- Republic of Costa Rica
- CT
- Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
- CU
- Republic of Cuba
- CV
- Republic of Cape Verde
- CY
- Republic of Cyprus
- CZ
- Czech Republic
- DE
- Federal Republic of Germany
- DJ
- Republic of Djibuti
- DK
- Kingdom of Denmark
- DK
- Feroer Islands
- DK
- Greenland
- DM
- Commonwealth of Dominica
- DO
- Republic of Dominica
- DZ
- Democratic and People's Republic of Algeria
- EC
- Republic of Ecuador
- EE
- Republic of Esthonia
- EG
- Arab Republic of Egypt
- ER
- Eritrea
- ES
- Ceuta
- ES
- Melilla
- ES
- Kingdom of Spain
- ET
- People's Democratic Republic of Etiopia
- FI
- Republic of Finnland
- FJ
- Republic of Fiji
- FK
- Falkland Islands
- FR
- French Southern Territories
- FR
- Republic of France
- FR
- French Polynesia
- FR
- Guadeloupe
- FR
- Mayotte
- FR
- Saint Pierre and Miguelon
- FR
- Wallis and Futuna
- GA
- Republic of Gabon
- GB
- Anguilla
- GB
- British Antarctic Territory
- GB
- British Indian Ocean Territory
- GB
- British Virgin Islands
- GB
- Channel Islands
- GB
- Cayman Islands
- GB
- Man
- GB
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- GB
- Pitcairn Islands
- GB
- Saint Helena
- GB
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- GD
- Grenada
- GE
- Republic of Georgia
- GF
- French Guyana
- GH
- Republic of Ghana
- GI
- Gibraltar
- GM
- Republic of Gambia
- GN
- Republic of Guinea
- GQ
- Republic of Equatorial Guinea
- GR
- Republic of Greece
- GT
- Republic of Guatemala
- GW
- Republic of Bissau-Guinea
- GY
- Cooperative Republic of Guyana
- HK
- Hongkong
- HN
- Republic of Honduras
- HR
- Republic of Croatia
- HT
- Haiti
- HU
- Hungary
- HV
- Burkina Faso
- ID
- Republic of Indonesia
- IE
- Republic of Ireland
- IL
- Izrael
- IN
- Republic of India
- IQ
- Republic of Iraq
- IR
- Islamic Republic of Iran
- IS
- Republic of Iceland
- IT
- Republic of Italy
- JM
- Jamaica
- JO
- Hasemite Kingdom of Jordania
- JP
- Japan
- KE
- Republic of Kenya
- KG
- Kirghiz
- KH
- Kambodia
- KI
- Republic of Kiribati
- KM
- Federal Islamic Republic of Comore
- KP
- People's Democratic Republic of Korea
- KR
- Republic of Korea
- KW
- Kuwait
- KZ
- Kazakhstan
- LA
- People's Democratic Republic of Laos
- LB
- Republic of Libanon
- LC
- Saint Lucia
- LI
- Liechtenstein
- LK
- Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
- LR
- Republic of Liberia
- LS
- Kingdom of Lesotho
- LT
- Republic of Lithuania
- LU
- Grand Duchy of Luxemburg
- LV
- Republic of Latvia
- LY
- Lybia
- MA
- Kingdom of Morocco
- MC
- Monaco
- MD
- Republic of Moldova
- MG
- Republic of Madagascar
- MH
- Republic of Marshall Islands
- MK
- Federated States of Micronesia
- ML
- Republic of Mali
- MN
- Mongolia
- MO
- Macao
- MQ
- Martinique
- MR
- Islamic African and Arab Republic of Mauritania
- MS
- Monserrat
- MT
- Republic of Malta
- MU
- Republic of Mauritius
- MV
- Republic of Maldivia
- MW
- Republic of Malawi
- MX
- United States of Mexico
- MY
- Federation of Malaysia
- MZ
- Republic of Mozambique
- NA
- Namibia
- NC
- New Caledonia
- NE
- Republic of Niger
- NG
- Federal Republic of Nigeria
- NI
- Republic of Nicaragua
- NL
- Kingdom of the Netherlands
- NO
- Kingdom of Norway
- NO
- Svalbard
- NP
- Kingdom of Nepal
- NR
- Republic of Nauru
- NZ
- Cook Islands
- NZ
- Niue
- NZ
- Ross Dependency
- NZ
- Tokeleau Islands
- NZ
- New Zealand
- OM
- Sultanate of Oman
- PA
- Republic of Panama
- PE
- Republic of Peru
- PG
- Independent State of Papua New Guinea
- PH
- Republic of the Phillippines
- PK
- Islamic Republic of Pakistan
- PL
- Republic of Poland
- PT
- Azores
- PT
- Madeira
- PT
- Republic of Portugalia
- PY
- Republic of Paraguay
- QA
- State of Katar
- RE
- Réunion
- RO
- Romania
- RU
- Russian Federation
- RW
- Republic of Rwanda
- SA
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- SB
- Solomon Islands
- SC
- Republic of the Seychelles
- SD
- Republic of Sudan
- SE
- Kingdom of Sweden
- SG
- Republic of Singapore
- SI
- Republic of Slovenia
- SK
- Republic of Slovakia
- SL
- Republic of Sierra Leone
- SM
- Republic of San Marino
- SN
- Republic of Senegal
- SO
- Democtratic Republic of Somalia
- SR
- Republic of Suriname
- ST
- Democratic Republic of Sao Tomé és Principe
- SV
- Republic of Salvador
- SY
- Arab Republic of Syria
- SZ
- Kingdom of Swaziland
- TD
- Republic of Chad
- TG
- Republic of Togo
- TH
- Kingdom of Thailand
- TJ
- Tadjikistan
- TM
- Turkmenistan
- TN
- Republic of Tunezia
- TO
- Kingdom of Tonga
- TR
- Republic of Turkey
- TT
- Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
- TV
- Tuvalu
- TW
- Republic of China (Taiwan)
- TZ
- United Republic of Tanzania
- UA
- Ukraina
- UG
- Republic of Uganda
- US
- United States of America
- US
- American Virgin Island
- US
- Northern Mariana Islands
- US
- Guam
- US
- Midway Islands
- US
- Palau
- US
- Puerto Rico
- US
- Wake Islands
- UY
- Eastern Republic of Uruguay
- UZ
- Republic of Usbeghistan
- VA
- Vatican
- VC
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- VE
- Republic of Venezuela
- VN
- People's Republic of Vietnam
- VU
- Republic of Vanuatu
- WS
- Independent State of Western Samoa
- XB
- Republic of Bosnia-Herczegovina
- XM
- Macedonia (former Republic of Yugoslavia)
- XS
- Serbia
- YE
- Republic of Yemen
- YU
- Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
- ZA
- Republic of South Africa
- ZM
- Republic of Zambia
- ZR
- Republic of Zaire
- ZW
- Republic of Zimbabwe